The graphics themself look pretty good even by today’s standard, most of it can be attributed to the cartoonish style, that the developers have chosen.

Moving on to the visuals, it has the same 30 FPS lock as other C&C games, you can remove it using a fan made mod. I guess the reason for it is that the game was created with a co-op in mind and the AI partner you get, when playing alone, isn’t very smart. Most of the time your objective is to destroy an enemy base with no additional conditions that will make it special. In my opinion there’s only one major drawback to the game – bland mission design. It adds a lot to the variety and it’s always fun to discover new strategies and counters. Each unit has a set of abilities that units in other factions don’t have. Alliance and Soviets use more traditional scheme albeit with a small difference. For example, Empire cannot create buildings directly, it creates a vehicle that can be unpacked into a building at any place on the map. It’s not just that units have different looks and balanced a bit differently, they even change such basics as base building.

The gameplay differs depending on the fraction you chose. Each story is pretty much what you’d expect from a strategy game, but there’s something special in the way it is told through full-motion video cutscenes and actors are doing their best to create memorable and charismatic characters. As far as I can tell the only canon campaign is Alliance, the rest are “What If?” scenarios. The game offers three campaigns, where you can play as Soviets, Alliance or a new addition to the Red Alert series – Empire of The Rising Sun. But in doing so, he creates a new force more powerful than the enemies he sought to destroy. At the beginning of the game soviet general travels back in time in order to eliminate Einstein, who’s responsible for a lot of technical advancements of the West.

Posted: 1 November Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 is a Real-Time Strategy set in alternative universe.