Even toxicity is represented in this mod.

The resemblance is impressive, particularly in the picture from a dialogue scene during sunset with no added lighting mods. ALSO: The Witcher 3 Switch dynamic resolution prioritizes frame-rate over resolutionĪdnan’s mod is based on Henry Cavill’s likeness on the Netflix show. With Euphoria mutation i was doing over 10 000 damage with almost every strong attack ( i used Viper school swords with severance enchantment) and much higher with critical and all other. the third decoction is up to you : if it still feels hard use Ekhimara decoction to absorb health from your damage, otherwise something like Wyvern decoction for extra attack power. Arachas ( makes you tougher if you have light armor and reduced carry weight ), i had 35 carry weight, this is a very important decoction because it makes you very resistant to damage, adding the extra protection if you have the right oil on your blade and you will not go down in two hits, trust me, you are as tough as with the Ursine gear, Troll ( regenration and prevents damage from toxicity) My toxicity was around 250, so, three decoctions : I had five alchemy skills ( first 3 from the forth column, plus protective coating from the oil tree and fast metabolism for decreasing toxicity |quick), cat school and six combat skills ( first three in fast attack and strong attack ). Now, Feline is amazing because it allows for such a huge damage output with the Attack power bonus, here's my build when i started : I started BoW with Feline set, got the Grandmaster set but switch to Manticore because i like the way it looks ( Witcher 1 nostalgia) and i made a big tank build with it.